satRday Cardiff 2018

This is a brief write-up of my satRdays Cardiff experience.

First - what is a satRday?

It is an awesome concept: attending an R conference organised by a local RUG on a Saturday.

The programme in Cardiff had parallel sessions - tough decision-making to pick between promising talks!

dplyr workshop

Kathrine Tansey kept us busy with a workshop on dplyr in the morning.

💻 rstudio-cloud project

Packaging workshop

Heather Turner upgraded us on packaging.

💡 useful tips and workflow! Eager to apply what I learned.

💻 rstudio-cloud project

➡️ Slides

Introduction to tidytext

Textmining with Nujcharee (เป็ด), applied to #metoo twitter data:

Package reviews with rOpenSci

Maëlle Salmon presented the review process of rOpenSci and then reviewed the review process using the force of textmining.

💡 Rigorous, but friendly reviewing process at rOpenSci.

More info on submitting a package for review here.

➡️ Slides

Airtable & R

Amy McDougall presented airtable (💡!) and the R interface airtabler.

Amy wrote a blogpost on this topic too (which I found through Locke Data’s write up here).

➡️ Slides

Lightening talks

Counting and weighing Penguins

Philipp Boersch-Supan telling us about the challenges of counting penguins (and apparently Rcpp helps).

Integrating command-line tools with R

Erle Holgersen: embrace the system() function for command-line snippets in R.

For example: <- system("ls -all", intern = TRUE)

💡 intern = TRUE is my new friend!

Other tips:

  • use the command line functionality in data.table::fread("")
  • make use of tempfile()

git in five

Steph Locke gave git in a nutshell.

💡 Recommendation: use GitKraken as a GUI client.

tidy eval

Nic Crane explaining the basics of tidy eval and when it is needed (💡 functions!).

A simple Bayesian workflow

Paul Robinson presented his Bioconductor package dealing with proteins.

➡️ Slides

R-Forwards and R-Ladies Remote

Heather Turner presented two #rstats related initiatives.

R Forwards is an initiative to widen the participation of under-represented groups ➡️ looking for volunteers that take on tasks.

R-Ladies remote chapter: has monthly coffee breaks on slack!

Final remarks

👏 Kudos to the organisers! They paid lots of attention to details and did an awesome jexcellentaking everyone feel welcome!

✍️ Mental note to self: I should probably learn how to take pics at the right time + live tweet 😉

Further information

📁 Slides repo.

📘 Check out Maëlle’s blogpost on Sto rrrify #satRdayCDF 2018.

📘 Loads of info from the Locke Data team members.

#satRdayCDF on Twitter.

⏭️ Next satRday is on September 1 2018 in Amsterdam.

📅 Check all upcoming events.

Also 👇

Sina Rüeger
(Genomic) Data Scientist


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