
The headache with data repositories

I attended the last rOpenSci call on data repositories1 (recording) and below are my two cents on why storing on, and using data from the web may still be such a headache. The hour-long community call was - as always - inspiring and presented itself in a relaxed setting; with a set of experts voicing their experiences and challenges around data repositories from different angles, and a Q&A session towards the end.

satRday Cardiff 2018

This is a brief write-up of my satRdays Cardiff experience. First - what is a satRday? It is an awesome concept: attending an R conference organised by a local RUG on a Saturday. The programme in Cardiff had parallel sessions - tough decision-making to pick between promising talks! dplyr workshop Kathrine Tansey kept us busy with a workshop on dplyr in the morning. 💻 rstudio-cloud project Packaging workshop Heather Turner upgraded us on packaging.