Why bother with ggplot2 extension for GWAS summary statistic data visualisations?
This vignette lays out the motivation why having a ggplot2 extension is needed. But it also discusses existing alternatives and ways to create a ggplot2-like Q-Q plot and Manhattanplot.
There are two main data visualisations1 that are done after the GWAS is run2:
Q-Q plot: checks the deviation of the P-value distribution from the uniform distribution.
Manhattan plot: shows the P-value or summary statistic distribution along the chomosomal position.
By M. Kamran Ikram et al - Ikram MK et al (2010) Four Novel Loci (19q13, 6q24, 12q24, and 5q14) Influence the Microcirculation In Vivo. PLoS Genet. 2010 Oct 28;6(10):e1001184. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1001184.g001, CC BY 2.5, Link
Both plotting types can be applied in R with various functions. Just to name a few, here are some links which have also served as inspiration:
: R package for GWAS results:
: R package with ggplot2 wrapper with some neat hacks
, ggplot2
and plotly
(for historical reasons)
Manhattan plots:
package, a toolkit for genomic data (plotGrandLinear
is an implementation for a Manhattan plot, uses GRanges
objects, ggplot2 wrapper):
, wrapper (but no ggplot2 extension) for Manhattan plots:
An often used package is qqman, that has a function for Q-Q plots qqman::qq
and Manhattan plots qqman::manhattan
And there are various ggplot2 wrappers (ggbio
, ggman
), but not actual extensions.
The problem is two fold:
can (e.g. facetting, colouring).The idea is therefore to create a ggplot2 extension that would facilitate all this: 1) fast plotting (through hexagons and filtering) and 2) building ggplot2
geoms and stats.
By writing a ggplot2 extension, we can inherit lots of the default ggplot2 functionalities and shorten the input.
Let’s say we have GWAS summary statistics for a number of SNPs. We call this data gwas.summarystats
: for a number of SNPs listed by row, we know the SNP identifier (SNP
) and the P-value (P
rs3342 1e-2
rs83 1e-2
... ...
For illustration purposes, we will use the summary statistics dataset GWAS.utils::giant
#> CHR POS SNP Tested_Allele
#> Min. : 1.00 Min. : 220149 Length:10000 Length:10000
#> 1st Qu.: 4.00 1st Qu.: 33810156 Class :character Class :character
#> Median : 8.00 Median : 71004162 Mode :character Mode :character
#> Mean : 8.55 Mean : 79743155
#> 3rd Qu.:12.00 3rd Qu.:114753146
#> Max. :22.00 Max. :248476804
#> Other_Allele Freq_Tested_Allele_in_HRS BETA
#> Length:10000 Min. :0.01023 Min. :-4.980e-02
#> Class :character 1st Qu.:0.19750 1st Qu.:-2.800e-03
#> Mode :character Median :0.45710 Median :-1.000e-04
#> Mean :0.48108 Mean :-4.439e-05
#> 3rd Qu.:0.75913 3rd Qu.: 2.600e-03
#> Max. :0.98977 Max. : 4.480e-02
#> SE P N
#> Min. :0.001600 Min. :0.0000 Min. :498178
#> 1st Qu.:0.001800 1st Qu.:0.0460 1st Qu.:680198
#> Median :0.002100 Median :0.2600 Median :688732
#> Mean :0.002596 Mean :0.3406 Mean :683795
#> 3rd Qu.:0.002800 3rd Qu.:0.6000 3rd Qu.:691571
#> Max. :0.010600 Max. :1.0000 Max. :795594
There is a geom_qq
in ggplot2 that implements quantile-quantile plots. However, this is only useful, if we can transform the axes with -log10()
. How to create custom made ggplot2 scales is explained here.
## source:
(gg <- ggplot(data = giant) +
geom_qq(aes(sample = P), distribution = stats::qunif)) +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
# + scale_y_log10() + scale_x_log10()
# + coord_trans(x = "log10", y = "log10")
f_trans_mlog10 <- function(x) -log10(x)
f_trans_mlog10_inverse <- function(x) 10^(-x)
mlog10_trans <- scales::trans_new("-log10",
transform = f_trans_mlog10,
inverse = f_trans_mlog10_inverse)
gg +
scale_y_continuous(trans = mlog10_trans) +
scale_x_continuous(trans = mlog10_trans) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
N <- nrow(giant)
expected <- (1:N) / N - 1 / (2 * N)
giant <- giant %>% dplyr::arrange(P) %>% dplyr::mutate(P_expected = expected)
ggplot(data = giant) +
geom_point(aes(-log10(P_expected), -log10(P))) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1) +
xlab(expression(Expected ~ ~-log[10](italic(p)))) + ## from qqman::qq
ylab(expression(Observed ~ ~-log[10](italic(p)))) ## from qqman::qq
## or with the scale_y_continous feature
ggplot(data = giant) +
geom_point(aes(P_expected, P)) +
scale_y_continuous(trans = mlog10_trans) +
scale_x_continuous(trans = mlog10_trans) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1) #+ ## square shaped
ggplot(data = giant) + geom_gwas_qq(aes(y = P))
Here is a whishlist of what a geom_gwas_qq
function should be able to do:
version (for faster plotting), hexbins (also for faster plotting) and Pvalue thresholding (removing the high Pvalue SNPs from the plot)theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
## computing new x axis
giant <- giant %>% dplyr::arrange(CHR, POS) %>% dplyr::mutate(tmp = 1, cumsum.tmp = cumsum(tmp))
## calculating x axis location for chromosome label
med.dat <- giant %>% dplyr::group_by(CHR) %>% dplyr::summarise(median.x = median(cumsum.tmp))
ggplot(data = giant) +
geom_point(aes(x = cumsum.tmp, y = -log10(P), color = CHR %%2 == 0)) + ## create alternate coloring
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(5e-8)) + ## add horizontal line
scale_x_continuous(breaks = med.dat$median.x, labels = med.dat$CHR) + ## add new x labels
guides(colour=FALSE) + ## remove legend
xlab("Chromosome") +
ylab(expression(-log[10](italic(p)))) + ## y label from qqman::qq
scale_color_manual(values = c(gray(0.5), gray(0))) ## instead of colors, go for gray
ggplot(data = giant) + geom_gwas_manhattan(aes(pos = POS, chr = CHR, y = -log10(P)))
Here is a whishlist of what a geom_gwas_manhattan
function should be able to do:
version (for faster plotting) and Pvalue thresholding (removing the high Pvalue SNPs from the plot)How to test plots?
One option is, to compare ggplot2 object data. In the example below, we are comparing two ggplot2 outputs, one created with qplot
and one with ggplot
gg1 <- qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, data = iris)
gg2 <- ggplot(data = iris) + geom_point(aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length))
identical(gg1$data, gg2$data)
We can apply this to our package by creating the qqplot and manhattanplots manually by hand, and then comparing the to the function outputs.
Another option is to use