
Amuse-bouches from useR!2019

The 3+ days at useR!2019 in Toulouse were packed with great talks1 and good food - hence the amuse-bouches word play. Here are some R code bits from the conference. Hopefully convincing enough to start using a new package or change a workflow. Not everything was brand-new, but it was helpful to have someone talking through their inspiration and examples. Check out the speakers’ materials - soon there will be recordings too.

A guide to poster making for scientific conferences

How to make a good poster Recipe Content Design This is a tutorial on how to make a scientific poster from scratch. It aims for first-time poster makers, but also for people like me that quickly lose themselves in choosing the right font for hours. It includes a few self-declared best practices that helped me in the past. Those are at best ideas, and barely opinions. It is by no means a collection of strict rules and feedback is welcome!

satRday Cardiff 2018

This is a brief write-up of my satRdays Cardiff experience. First - what is a satRday? It is an awesome concept: attending an R conference organised by a local RUG on a Saturday. The programme in Cardiff had parallel sessions - tough decision-making to pick between promising talks! dplyr workshop Kathrine Tansey kept us busy with a workshop on dplyr in the morning. 💻 rstudio-cloud project Packaging workshop Heather Turner upgraded us on packaging.